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Never rely on Strings for conditionals

Almost all the time is a bad decision to use Strings in conditionals because you will have no help from the compiler to alert you when you typed them wrong

Simple but powerful Coding Practices that you can adopt immediately: Consistent naming conventions

I already wrote about naming conventions in a past article but I wanna explore a little more because I think this topic is very important for every developer

Quick tip: Improve your code blocks with a language tag

Today I learned something very useful about code blocks on Hashnode (and it probably works on other blogging platforms too) that I immediately wanted to share with the community

Simple but powerful Coding Practices that you can adopt immediately: Indentation & whitespace

Continuing the powerful coding practices series, today I will talk with two simple concepts that can greatly improve the readability of our code

Tools that I use (almost) every day to do my job as a developer

Everyone has their favorite software to do a specific job. As developers, we have some mandatory ones like code editors, task managers, source control, etc. Today I decided to list my current favorite tools that I use every day to do my job

Simple but powerful Coding Practices that you can adopt immediately: Classes and Functions

Functions are one of the best and most essential tools we have to do our job as developers. Probably we all learned to use them to remove duplicated code, grouping instructions together to easy reuse. Classes are generally used to

Lessons I learned from watching the Essential Developer's Quiz App series

Recently I got a new job as an iOS developer and felt the need to refresh my knowledge in Swift because I was mainly coding in Javascript and Flutter for the past two years in my startup

Simple but powerful Coding Practices that you can adopt immediately: Naming and DRY

Everyone can write code with the right focus to learn the basics. Good developers can write code that solves big problems in real life. But the best developers don't just write awesome code, their code is easily read and understood by other developers

Avoid using ELSE, write a better code

At the beginning of our career, every developer learns the if else conditionals and immediately start using it everywhere. I would say it is normal because the use case is quite simple to understand, if the condition is true, then do this, otherwise, do something else

Hello World!

Every developer starts coding Hello World... right? Well, my first post here should starts this way too